VBA ค้นหาข้อความ ทุก Sheets and Show Sheets

Sub FindSomething()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim xStr As Variant
Dim fCell As Range

If frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "Sorry, Find box empty"
Exit Sub
End If

If frm_findjob.ComboBox1 = "FInd" Then

If frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value = "" Then Exit Sub

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    On Error Resume Next
    Set fCell = ws.Cells.Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not fCell Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo msgwbox
       frm_findjob.TextBox6.Text = ws.Name
       frm_findjob.TextBox2.Text = Sheets(ws.Name).Range("A:A").Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value).Offset(0, 0).Text
       frm_findjob.TextBox3.Text = Sheets(ws.Name).Range("A:A").Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value).Offset(0, 2).Text
       frm_findjob.TextBox4.Text = Sheets(ws.Name).Range("A:A").Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value).Offset(0, 3).Text
       frm_findjob.TextBox5.Text = Sheets(ws.Name).Range("A:A").Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value).Offset(0, 4).Text
        Exit Sub
        End If
Next ws

ElseIf frm_findjob.ComboBox1 = "Name" Then

If frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value = "" Then Exit Sub

For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
    On Error Resume Next
    Set fCell = ws.Cells.Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value)
    On Error GoTo 0
    If Not fCell Is Nothing Then
    On Error GoTo msgwbox
       frm_findjob.TextBox6.Text = ws.Name
       frm_findjob.TextBox2.Text = Sheets(ws.Name).Range("B:B").Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value).Offset(0, 0).Text
       frm_findjob.TextBox3.Text = Sheets(ws.Name).Range("B:B").Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value).Offset(0, 1).Text
       frm_findjob.TextBox4.Text = Sheets(ws.Name).Range("B:B").Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value).Offset(0, 2).Text
       frm_findjob.TextBox5.Text = Sheets(ws.Name).Range("B:B").Find(frm_findjob.TextBox1.Value).Offset(0, 3).Text
        Exit Sub
        End If
Next ws

End If

MsgBox "Sorry, I couldn't find that."
Exit Sub
'IF we get to here, we didn't find it

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
With frm_findjob
.TextBox1 = ""
.TextBox2 = ""
.TextBox3 = ""
.TextBox4 = ""
.TextBox5 = ""
.TextBox6 = ""
End With

End Sub


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